Laborschule Bielefeld is a state-run experimental school in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It was founded in 1974, together with the neighbouring Oberstufen-Kolleg, a tertiary college. The school operates according to the ideas of its original director, the educator Hartmut von Hentig.
Laborschule has the task of developing new forms of teaching, learning and integration in schools and making these results available to the public. Hence its work is both practical and theoretical.
Two facilities under one roof
The school’s organizational structure reflects this double mandate: It consists of two facilities under one roof.
The experimental school unit of Laborschule has a special pedagogical profile as well as a permanent pedagogical development mandate. The research unit of Laborschule accompanies, supports and evaluates this process.
Both facilities are controlled by the same management team. The results of the practical and theoretical educational development work are documented in numerous publications.
Laborschule is also assigned a scientific advisory board (this decision was taken by the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia on October 24th, 1989).
The Laborschule is a founding member of the school association “Blick über den Zaun” (“View over the fence”).